News from “Modousa”, Social Cooperative Enterprise, Gera Lesvos, 2021
February 3, 2022From the export campaigns of 2021, the amount received by Dock – Social Solidarity Economy zone, amounted to 17.621,00€, of which € 4.000,00 are related to expenses incurred for the 2021 campaigns for Germany and Austria (exports, logistics communication, materials). The remaining 13.621,00€ is the amount used by Dock to cover the activities and free services it provides for the promotion of SSE in Greece. The types of expenses covered are labor, operating costs and costs for organizing events.
For 2021 the activities and services supported by the Fruits of Solidarity are:
1 Synergies with all the SSE Support Centers of Greece
The synergies, covered by our own resources, aimed to increase the visibility of SSE and to highlight the need for infrastructure that will provide free support services to existing SSE entities or new ones. Results of these synergies are the following:
A. Online SSE Week
An online weeklong event dedicated to SSE, the program included 27 presentations of good practices, in different fields of activity, 5 workshops, 11 presentations and a big final event dedicated to public policies for SSE. From 10.00 in the morning until 9.00 in the evening for six days.
B. Report of the results for the 20 months of operation of the SSE Support Centers
An 81-page report with detailed information about SSE in Greece, presentation of the 11 organizations that operate as Support Centers, description of their activities and services during these 20 months and data on the impact of their action.
2 Consulting and training services to new and existing SSE entities
We provided 100 hours of free business consulting services to 5 groups that were either existing SSE entities or were established now with our help. Business plans were prepared for these 5 groups, by the staff of the Support Center as services funded by the program. The extra hours were provided by Dock as additional support and training in entrepreneurship, organization and collaboration, based on and tailored to the needs of each team.
3 Participation in SSE Networks
Networking with other groups or networks in the field of SSE is one of the main aims of Dock as they contribute to the promotion and resolution of issues on SSE. The time and costs that are necessary for our participation in them is financed by the income of the Fruits and other business activities.
Active participation in the Association of the digital educational platform through the organization of workshops for participatory decision-making, the production of modules of educational material and business consulting services.
ΙΙ Union of SSE entities of Attica
Participation in the board of directors of the Union of SSE entities of Attica. The purpose of this Association is to support synergies among its members but also to highlight public policies regarding SSE.
ΙΙΙ Ripess Europe
We participate in the Coordination committee of Ripess, the network for SSE at the European level.
4 Projects
We participate in co-financed projects to strengthen democratic processes, participatory planning and local development. The amount of co-financing is also covered by the proceeds of the Fruits and other business activities.
Such projects are the following.
Ι Municipal Participatory Budget
The main goal of this project is the research, the study, the documentation and the assessment of the impact from the implementation of the Participatory Budget (PB) in the Municipalities. From the point of view of activating the citizens, we recorded approaches and implementation experiences from all over the world and Greece.
ΙΙ Dialogue & Action for the Future
The project concerns the activation of the community of Magganiako, a small mountain village in the Peloponnese, as well as the strengthening of the local ecosystem to decide together on how to revitalize their village. This project includes training people in participatory decision-making processes, experiential workshops and a series of local actions to promote local production and sustainable development prospects.